10 Powers of Extraordinary Leadership

What is Leadership?

ID-10045380According to Tony Robbins, Leadership is: the ability to significantly influence the thoughts, feelings, actions and behaviors of those they lead. The outcome of a leader is to expand people’s choices and give them a new sense of meaning in their lives. We all have people that we want to help. We need specific tools in order to do so at the highest level. There are traits among all successful leaders and authorities on leadership. To become the best leader, all we have to do is follow what they’ve done and learn to think and operate how they do so we can serve at the highest level.

The 10 Powers of Extraordinary Leadership:

Direct from Anthony Robbins Leadership principles:

  1. The Power of Vision: A vision must call forth individuals to become more of who they truly are.
  2. The Power of Unreasonable Expectations: To receive the ultimate rewards, you must live by the ultimate standards
  3. The Power of Conviction: The quality of your life is in direct proportion to your ability to deal with uncertainty
  4. The Power of Connection: True leaders have an uncanny ability to care and connect
  5. The Power of Passionate Communication: To inspire others, you must first be inspired
  6. The Power of Strategic Innovation: Be just ahead of the trend, but not the pioneer. Remember, pioneers get arrows.
  7. The Power of Action: Leaders are bold. They are men and women of action
  8. The Power of Truth: Leaders tell themselves, and everyone with whom they interact, the truth.
  9. The Power of Character: Leaders are responsible, consistent, courageous, loyal, and fearless.
  10. The Power of Giving

All of these powers, if studied and applied on a daily basis will ultimately put you among the ranks of the world’s best leadership.

To your abundance!

John Whiting

John Whiting

Skype: jdwhitin
Email: john@whitingsolutions.com

Want to Work With John? Click Here

Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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