What is Your Belief System Costing You?

What is Your Belief System Costing You?

What Do You Believe?

ID-100116222What do you believe about life? Money? Relationships? Work? Play? People? Is life a struggle? Or is life an exciting adventure? Is life hard? Or is life fun? What do you believe? Now look at your life, look at all of these areas – finances, relationships, career, physical body, spirituality, contribution – and ask yourself, are you where you ideally want to be in all of these areas? Where do you want to be in your life? What do you want to feel?

If you’re a woman, do you believe “all men are pigs”? or do you believe that men are a tower of strength? What you believe will dramatically change your actions which change the results you get. IF you’re not where you want to be in your life, pick an area where you are furthest away from where you want to be?

Let’s say it’s finances for example – what do you believe about money? What were you raised to believe? Do you believe that money is hard work and there’s not a lot of it? Do you believe that money flows to you easily and freely? Do you believe that money is the root of all evil? Or do you believe that money is a vehicle to create greater abundance for the world around you?

We’re Conditioned to Believe we Can’t

What have you been told as a kid from your parents, your teachers, your peers about money? How has that affected your financial status today? Has it cost you anything to have these beliefs? If you have less money than you ideally want, you can obviously say that your beliefs about money have cost you in terms of finances, but how have those beliefs affected your career or job choices? How have your beliefs about money played into your relationship choices? Have your beliefs about finances affected how much you contribute to the world around you? Have they affected the food choices you make for yourself? How have your beliefs made you feel about money?

Are Your Beliefs True?

Maybe your beliefs are absolutely true, I’m not here to tell you what to believe. But I am here to tell you that if you’re not where you want to be and you don’t feel the way you would rather feel, it starts with your beliefs. You’re going to feel a whole lot different and make a lot different choices if you believed that money flowed to you freely and abundantly and that financial freedom was a complete must because it enhanced your life on every aspect, you could give more, learn more, experience more, grow more and live life at a higher, more abundant level. Now what if you believed that money is the root of all evil, money is hard work, money only gets in the way in relationships, I don’t need money to be happy, I’d rather be happy than rich – as if you have to choose between the two!

You Get to Decide What to Believe!

When you understand that you get to choose what you believe, it is very liberating. You can literally go into the areas of your life in which you’re not getting the results you want and look at – what do I believe about this? What is that belief costing me? What results do I want? What would I have to believe to get those results?

Then you write down those new beliefs and condition yourself every morning and before you go to bed so you literally go in and rewire yourself for change in that area of your life.

See you at the TOP!

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John WhitingJohn Whiting

Skype: jdwhitin
Email: info@whitingsolutions.com

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