What Should You Do With Your Life?

What Should You Do With Your Life?

The BIG Question

ID-10017835This is a cool question – so many of us are brought up and told what we should do, the whole “go to school, get a degree, get a job, and make good money” model works for some – they don’t have to think, they just follow the instructions of their parents and their teachers and they don’t have to take any risks and they can live on one level of happiness there.

Now to be straight, I don’t believe that’s wrong, but I believe it robs some of us of expressing and experiencing our real, true greateness that I believe we all have inside of us. We all have the ability to touch the world in our own unique way on an extraordinary level. The problem is that we’re conditioned from a young age to believe that’s only for a select few.

So Let’s Go Through With It

How do you decide what you should do with your life? First, I’ll ask you the question, what would you do if money were no object? Now I know some of you would answer, I’d hang out and do nothing. Sure, that would be fine for a period of time – but what then? What happens when the relaxation has worn off. When your energy has built up and pulls you off the couch? What would you do? What would you really enjoy doing? Don’t think in terms of what you think you could do to make money, no, what would you REALLY enjoy doing? The simple answer is that if you do that, and you fully immerse yourself in it and it’s something you REALLY enjoy doing, you will become so good at it that you will be able to receive whatever amount of money you want for that service or skill. Whether you’re teaching others or performing it or creating something whatever it is – THAT is what you should do.

Get Crystal Clarity

That can even still be a bigger question for some and I would follow with some other questions to help clarify and make distinctions to get crystal clear on what you know it is you want to do and who you really are and what your life is really all about at your core. As I’ve had to do that for myself. But it’s really a very enjoyable and liberating process because once you get clear on this, it’s almost like meeting the real you for the first time. The real deep down you. And so many people never get to do that – so many people have decided who they are and have applied rules to their life that prevent them from ever being the fullest freest most expanded version of themselves. So the choice is yours, do you want to let your past equal your future? Or is it time to do what you were put on this planet to do? To really go after it with all you’ve got. That’s where life is, that’s where growth is, that’s where excitement and passion lies.

So, what should YOU do?

See you at the TOP!

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John WhitingJohn Whiting

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Email: info@whitingsolutions.com

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